Courtney joined Austin Shelby as co-owner of Spring Branch Forestry in May 2023. Like Austin, private forestry consulting is where Courtney cut her teeth. Previously, Courtney worked as a consulting forester for Redstart Forestry in Vermont for 8 years. There she worked with dozens of private landowners and loggers to sustainably manage woodlots and was the lead forester in managing 20,000 acres of forest land across Vermont and New Hampshire for a large non-profit landowner.
From 2018 to 2023 Courtney was the lead forester with the West Region Wildfire Council and managed the organization’s already successful Vegetation Management Program. She worked with hundreds of private landowners to implement defensible space and landscape scale fuels reduction treatments on private property, resulting in thousands of acres treated during her tenure with WRWC. She also worked closely with a variety of vegetation management contractors and loggers as well as with local, state, and federal partners to achieve this work.